Thursday, 1 December 2011

Let's get it started

Okay, this is an experiment, and there are quite a few ground rules to lay out, so here is my thinking and justifying behind the idea and hopefully my behaviors in the next 12 months.

First of all - WHAT is it that I want to achieve?  To spend $365 or less on 'stuff for myself' in the next year.

WHERE did I come up with this ludicrous idea?  Well it sprang into my head when I was attending a day workshop on sustainability education in London.  I don't even know where it really came from, but once I thought of it, I liked the idea more and more.  I have always admired those people who can commit themselves to something that will really be a challenge for them personally, though I could never even attempt the Live-on-a-dollar-a-day idea (not to mention any number of relationships would likely falter, which I am not willing to risk!).  And this is one that I think I can commit to for myself.

WHY do I want to do this?  There are a lot of reasons.  I like to think that I am conscious of the world around me, and I definitely get disgusted by the greed and consumptive-ness (not a word I guess) of the Western world - so much waste, so much environmental and human impact.  But, I definitely admit that I am part of it, and fall into the trap of buying things that I want, versus prioritising what I need and settling for less.  I find it hard to pass up a good deal, and often live by the mantra 'The more you buy, the more you save'.  I end up buying random crap that I don't need, use, or even want later on!  And, I just moved back from London after five years.  When I moved there, I had two (very big) rolling duffel bags full of stuff.  Moving back, I had the same huge bags, plus another checked bag (and a cat, but he is definitely exempt as a NEED!), and 17 boxes that will soon be on a slow boat back here.  17!!!!!!  Add that to the stuff that I had in storage here, and the stuff I had housed at my dad's and you get WAY TOO MUCH STUFF.  So, while it is the Xmas season, the deals are a-plenty, and I feel like I don't have enough of this and want more of that, I feel this is something I HAVE to do, for myself, and for the good of the planet.

So, what is the deal, and how does it work?  Well I don't really know - there aren't too many set rules, just what is in my head, and what I can commit to.  I might fail miserably, but I want to at least try.  And I don't want Dec 2 to come next year and for me to think I can blow $500 on a clothes shopping spree - that sort of defeats the purpose.  I really hope that this will help me better at prioritising my needs versus my wants so that I can buy less from here on.

WHAT can I buy?  Well anything, really.  But things for myself would include: books, DVDs, music, clothes, shoes, make-up and just general tat that adds up, and will end up stored away in my office for fear of it taking valuable space in communal living space of mine and my boyfriend's.  I can still buy those things, but they shouldn't add up to more than $365 over the course of the year.

I do want to have to justify my purchases, to myself - not anyone else.  So if I can feel comfortable with it, and think that it was worth buying at that point in time, then that works.  If I go blatantly over budget, than I accept the blame, but I don't want people goading or asking why I bought what.  One thing that I always find odd - if it doesn't directly affect someone, why do they get so defensive??  I find it with my eating habits of trying to eat high welfare meat, and know of others who have the same problem with justifying vegetarianism - why does it matter to YOU what I eat or what I buy, unless you are the one trying to sell it to me??  So I hope it won't come to that.

I do expect to have some trouble, and namely with the following: running stuff, sewing stuff, crafty stuff, DVDs.  The biggest worry is running shoes, and those could quickly fall into the 'Need' category and become exempt from the budget, only justifiable because running and training is a HUGE part of my life and I can't do that ill-prepared, and running shoes are expensive.  Sewing stuff will add up, but there will also be many times when purchases are for other people (gifts and things) so won't count.

There is also a fairly fine line between what is for ME and what is for US - so if it is stuff for the house, I will probably justify it as not just for me, but something that WE need.  We will see though - if I know that my boyfriend will not at all notice the new wall decoration, then maybe it will be in the MINE group. I just don't know.  And the reason I don't know is because I have never tried to keep track of this stuff.  I have had a budget the past few years, but I haven't really tracked over the course of the year the amount I spent on myself.  We will just have to see - maybe I will have a way easier time with it all!

Another pitfall is the counter-intuitive nature of it all - I want to spend less but still be able to get 'stuff'.  So any able-minded person will think that shopping at Walmart (or the like) is the way forward - spend less, get more.  BUT, part of my issue is that I also want to be supporting local artisans whenever possible, and ensure that I am not supporting trades that I don't agree with (e.g. human rights violations) whenever possible.  So I can't rush to the sale section of Old Navy and buy 12 T-shirts for $3.  Well, I can, but I have to live with it, and justify it to myself.

I will also attempt to include HINTS AND WORK-AROUNDS that help me get what I want for less or no money - bartering, trading, garage sales, libraries, etc.  These are great options to help people spend less, so I plan to use them.

Anyway, hopefully it will be a good and worthwhile journey.  And hopefully if I ask my loved ones really, really nicely for a new _____ because mine broke and I really, really want one, they will take pity on me.  Kidding, that is not the aim!  I have to live with what I have.  If my computer breaks (eek!) I guess I am screwed and will have to carrier pigeon my blog posts to someone with one that works!  Somehow people in the olden days survived without them....

Wish me luck!

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