Friday, 9 December 2011

The trouble with Christmas sales....

is that there is lots of stuff for CHEAP.  And usually lots of stuff that I want, meaning that I tend to at least buy myself a few 'gifts' that I can claim are from Santa or something.

So, the fact that I have been out shopping the past two days and haven't caved and bought myself ANYTHING is a good sign!  At the beginning, it wasn't a good sign for anyone else, either, as I just wasn't feeling very much inspiration to buy anyone anything, but I have turned the corner a bit with that.

Part of my problem with Xmas, and birthdays, and any celebration set by a calendar date, I suppose, is the 'requirement' to buy gifts.  Don't get me wrong, I LOVE buying gifts, and treating people to things that I know they will enjoy.  But when Xmas rolls around, there is this duty to get everyone SOMETHING, and if you can't find a gift that doesn't fit him/her exactly, you resort to buying some piece of crap that will sit on a shelf collecting dust, of that they just won't care about.  A friend in college and I use to have the view that you should buy gifts year round, if you find that special gift - and isn't it so nice to get given something out of the blue as well?  But the rest of society doesn't work that way, so we would be seen as the weirdos (or cheapskates, which was more often the case).

I am definitely one for homemade gifts, but again, something that would be appreciated and useful.  There are too many crafty ideas that someone would say, 'Wow, that is great, thanks!' but be thinking, 'How long do I have to keep this ugly thing before I can throw it out??' So while I love the idea of making all of my gifts, sometimes time doesn't allow it.  This year it just isn't working, having just moved back, not having my sewing machine set up, not having my beads for jewelry to hand, etc. Poor excuses maybe, but next I will definitely try to be better.

I think I have done all right this year in trying to buy gifts that people will get some use out of, or at least I hope so.  I have probably failed on the fair trade/human ethics side, which is also a big part of commercialized holidays, but I will tackle these things bit by bit - it is part of starting on Dec 1st guess!  Plus, I set out to make it about cutting down on things for me, so I am still winning that battle thus far.  A weekend trip to Seattle with a bunch of young woman could challenge that!!  We shall see.

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